Showing posts with label ロリコン. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ロリコン. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2020

[Confession]: Nobody expects the Spanish Canadian Inquisition

Wow. My first blog post in nearly three years.

Anyway, as almost everyone that isn't me slips further and further into a pool of insanity by trying really fucking hard to pretend that "drawings are people with rights too(!);" not to mention censoring and destroying things they don't like simply because it doesn't fit with their perceived utopia of what reality should be. (PlayStation and their stance on Japanese games since late 2018, for example.)

I decided to confess something using their exact borderline retarded way of thinking - especially to see how this plays out*.

So, with that said, if drawings are people with rights too, I'm a human trafficker. [pic related]

*assuming it does.